JLS Law Office is a law office developing in Jakarta, Indonesia, providing legal services to its clients or parties requiring its services. JLS Law Office is established in the framework of providing legal services to the public in line with the development of economy and business community. JLS Law Office will provide legal services to the clients in the framework of formulating and making an appropriate decision.
JLS Law Office is trusted by the clients, either Corporate, individual or institution, both domestic and overseas, because it has Advocates and legal consultants who have commitment and experiences in handling various transactions conducted by local companies, international companies and public companies. Services in the form of legal audit, legal opinion, legal advice and settlement of dispute as well as other services will be provided in accordance with the needs and capability of the clients.
With professional approach towards the clients and the utilization of information technology, then, JLS Law Office will be able to provide effective and efficient services. JLS Law Office highly maintains the trust of the clients, provides prompt responses, appropriate strategies and provides the best solutions for the clients.